Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day 2 Healthy Lunch Challenge

Yesterday in the books and here's some thoughts from JP on his lunch:

Grapes, carrots and BBQ sauce all good, chicken was OK (judging by ratio of chicken to BBQ sauce left, he drowned those puppies in it). Mom made mental note we will avoid chicken as main course for lunch going forward, but not above incorporating it into lunches.

For today, we went with grapes mixed with blueberries and strawberries and carrots again, as well as a PB sandwich per his request. I’ve tried the whole grain breads with him previously, and he ends up scraping all the peanut butter off and eating only that, then requiring mass clean-up afterwards. I mean, mass clean up, I don’t know how he gets it everywhere but he does. At the risk of getting a call for a change of clothes mid-day, I decided to stick with white bread and although I know it’s not in my “healthy” category, we will continue to experiment at home until we find something his taste buds enjoy.

Also, the lunchbox held up well and BBQ sauce stayed where it was meant to. I did put the box in his zip-up lunch bag with a handle from last year so it was easier to transport, as this one doesn’t seem to have a handle.  I do like the portioned off areas, but had to finesse the sandwich in, so I can see potential to revert back to ziploc bags at some point in this journey!

All in all, the first day of 2nd grade was a success. In addition to eating a good lunch, he had some old friends in his class and made a few new ones, and really liked his teacher! How was your first day back to school? Leave a note in the comments!

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